ULIETTA (Aljano x Coriander)

ULIETTA (Aljano x Coriander)
ULIETTA (Aljano x Coriander)ULIETTA (Aljano x Coriander)

ULIETTA was born in 2004 to ALJANO and JULIETTA (Coriander) in the stables of Prof. Hartwig Schmidt, honoured in 2009 as the best Holstein breeder. Prof. Schmidt is indeed a breeder of different horses such as CORRADINA, an unforgettable gray, that won the 160 class with German rider, Karsten-Otto Nagel. The approved stallions CORLAND, ACODETTO and CASSIRADO descend from mares of this renowned horse breeder. The products of his breeding boast the famous Holstein 104A maternal line, that of the legendary gray RETINA (Ramzes).

ULIETTA’s offspring:

2009: S.M. CASTA (Cassini II), female gray

2010: S.M. LHASA (Larimar), bay mare

2011: S.M. SAMBUCO (Sisley Vidal de la Tour), bay male

2012: S.M. CARTABIA (Canturo), bay mare

2013: S.M. ADELAIDE (Ayrton Sitte), bay mare

2015: S.M. AIVA (Ayrton Sitte), dark bay mare

Genealogical table

Aljano Alasca Ahorn
Tropica Latino
Julietta Coriander Coriolan
Elietta II Shampus XX
Age 2004
Coat Bay
Race Holstein
Sex Female